About Us

Bangladesh Evaluation Society

The BES was initiated in 2012, established in 2015, and registered in 2018 as a non-profit society under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 (A Society Registered under the Societies Registration Act XX of 1860)

The first official board was elected in 2018 and started its work in December 2018. Since beginning of the Society, it has been organized through membership drives, special interest group meetings, annual general meetings, networking, policy dialogue, and conclaves. The current Executive Board were elected in October 2022 during the Evaluation Conclave 2022 and redemption in December 2024. Next Evaluation Conclave will take place in December 20204 and BES will be able to select it’s new leadership.

Background of BES

Bangladesh Evaluation Society (BES) was largely inspired by Dhaka Conclave for International Development by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) and established by the evaluation professionals and practitioners in 2015. Initially, BES decided to form and work independently. In 2018 in its 2st annual general meeting BES took formal institutional shape and come up with broad based agenda and mandates by adopting new Article of Association. In our various programs, we have invited the Honourable Principal co-ordinator (SDG), Principal Secretary to the PMO, Secretary, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division. Recently we have designed an evaluation capacity-building program for evidence-informed decision-making for Krishi Gobeshonal Foundation (MoA), Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, and Begum Rokeya University in collaboration with Bangladesh Foundation for Education Research and Development and Centre for Global Development Dialogue and Impact (CGDI). We have also planned to organize the 1st Bangladesh Evaluation Conclave in December 2019. Our members are frequently taking part in programs organized by CLEAR, IFMR, JPAL, EES, CoE South Asia and AEA, etc. in various capacities. We are also going to publish Bangladesh Evaluation Society Journal in January 2019. As a broad-based and only national evaluation society, we are also trying to influence and support to prepare of Bangladesh’s National Evaluation Strategy. Our members are basically independent evaluators, commissioners, and policymakers engaged in evaluation knowledge sharing and generating credible evidence for evidence-informed policymaking working across the government, and academics. National and international NGOs and private sectors as well.

Our Team




Founding Member

International Advisor

Founding Member

Rafiqul Islam

Secretary in Charge, BES

Member, EC

General Member

Silvia Salinas Mulder

International Advisor