
Membership Eligibility

Any individuals interested in the purposes of the Society shall be eligible for membership. Members are defined as those who have completed an application form, received acknowledgment of membership from the Society, and paid the currently stipulated membership dues.

Life Member

A general member who has substantially contributed to the cause of evaluation and Society will be considered a Life Member by the Executive Board. Life members must make a donation to the Society to be determined by the Executive Board.

General Member

An individual desiring to join this Society may ask for consideration by making a written application including the appropriate fee. Individual membership will be determined by substantial involvement contribution and commitment to the cause of evaluation as individuals, commissioners, and policymakers which will be determined by the Executive Board.

Associate Member

An individual desiring to join this Society may ask for consideration by making a written application including the appropriate fee. Associate membership will be determined by substantial involvement contribution and commitment to the cause of evaluation as individuals, commissioners, and policymakers which will be determined by the Executive Board. Associate Members will enjoy all the privileges of General Members, and may be invited to participate in the meeting of the Society but shall not have the right to vote.

Institutional Member

With the approval of the Executive Board, an institution subscribing to the ideas of the Society can become an Institutional Member by making a contribution towards the Society. Institutional Members may be invited to participate in the meeting of the Society but shall not have the right to vote.

Distinguished Member

A person having academic excellence and spare policy influence to the cause of promoting knowledge and practice of evaluation may be awarded as Distinguish Member. Distinguished Members shall not have any voting rights.

Become a member

Please download the following form and send us the filled-up one with related papers.