An Introductory meeting between Bangladesh Evaluation Society and New Development Bank held on 05, April 2023

Dr. Md Nuruzzaman, President of Bangladesh Evaluation Society (BES) and Mr. Ashwani K Muthoo, Director General of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the New Development Bank (NDB) discussed potential areas of cooperation and mutual interest in the field of evaluation. During the initial meeting, both BES and IEO of NDB had an informal exchange of information about the respective organizations and key activities. Dr Monzur Hossain, Research Director, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies and Mrs. Fatema Rahman, Executive Secretary, BES took part the discussion for BES and Ms. Fariha Ahmed assist the meeting for IEO-NDB. Both BES and IEO-NDB agreed to continue to have a meaningful dialogue, exchange of knowledge and visits and rendering support for evaluation capacity building for Bangladesh and NDB member countries.

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